Kadir Murat Tastepe


Disciple of experience.

My physics journey started with extraordinary enthusiasm and passion. I am exploring the secrets of the universe.

  • Machine Learning
  • Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
  • Standard Model of Particle Physics
  • These are commonly used root macros.
  • Extract trees
  • Exponential fit
  • TGraph1
  • Birdwatcher's Journal

    16.03.2024 - Gallinula chloropus(Moorhen)
    20.01.2024 - Turdus merula(Blackbird)
    27.04.2023 - Ardea herodias(Great Blue Heron)
    10.04.2023 - Falco tinnunculus(Kestrel)
    06.02.2023 - Psittacula krameri(Rose-ringed Parakeet)
    24.12.2022 - Erithacus rubecula(European Robin)
    11.09.2022 - Larus canus(Mew Gull)

    Geneva, Switzerland 2024 - CERN

    Villigen, Switzerland 2023 - Paul Scherrer Institute

    Walldorf, Germany 2023 - SAP

    Greifswald, Germany 2022 - Max Planck Institute IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research

    Istanbul, Turkey 2020 - Istanbul University Computing Applications in Particle Physics Winter School

    Krakow, Poland 2019 - Particle Physics Summer Student Programme
    (The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)

  • ktastepe@cern.ch